2021-2022 Program Review
Unit Profile
Briefly describe the program-level planning unit. What is the unit's purpose and function?
The Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOP&S) was established in 1969. EOP&S was originally intended to secure inclusion and equity for first-generation college students, from low socio-economic status backgrounds—a seed from the Civil Rights Movement. The State of California passed Senate Bill 164 and amended the Title V regulations, to authorize community colleges to develop EOP&S into the community college system. EOPS encourages the enrollment, retention, graduation, and transfer of students.
How does the unit contribute to achievement of the mission of American River College?
EOPS has been operating under the philosophy that first-generation, low socio-economic status students have the potential to learn. Necessary support and retention activities were developed to include specialized counseling, priority registration, transportation assistance, early academic intervention, book services, and special orientations. For example, students with low English language and/or math skills, as well as adults transitioning into the community college who may have completed their GED or single parents needing remediation attending a higher education college. These services include: counseling services, priority registration, new student orientations, transfer assistance, academic achievement grants, university application fee waivers, transportation assistance, educational supplies, graduation cap and gown, spring banquet, early academic intervention, student enhancement workshops, meal vouchers, and other services which are over, above, and in addition to those provided to the general college population.
Assessment and Analysis
The program review process asks units to reflect on the progress they've made towards achieving the goals they identified in each of the Annual Unit Plans they submitted since their last Program Review. Follow this link to access your previous EMP submissions. For Faculty support, please contact Veronica Lopez at lopezv@arc.losrios.edu.
Consider the progress that has been made towards the unit's objectives over the last six years. Based on how the unit intended to measure progress towards achieving these objectives, did the unit's prior planned
action steps (last six years of annual unit plans) result in the intended effect or the goal(s) being achieved?
Consider the progress that has been made towards the unit's objectives over the last six years. Based on how the unit intended to measure progress towards achieving these objectives, did the unit's prior planned action steps (last six years of annual unit plans) result in the intended effect or the goal(s) being achieved?
The program’s sole purpose is to provide counseling services to the more than 1,283 participants. For instance, for the fiscal year of 2021-2022, a total of $1,616,931 dollars were provided to provide direct services. Of this amount, an allocation of $287,714 dollars was set aside for textbook expenditures.
ARC students interested in receiving services must first complete an application. We have transitioned from paper application to now, an online application. At any rate, if determined EOP&S eligible (meet Promise Grant eligibility A, B, C [with EFC 0, or D]) and one educational criteria), the student is offered acceptance into the program. They must complete a mandatory orientation, have the minimum enrolled units per semester, and complete the Mutual Responsibility Contract to be accepted into the program. Once officially in the program, each student receives assistance with textbook purchases, unless they are in the CalWORKs program since the county will approve and purchase textbooks. Students must complete at least three mandatory contacts per semester with an EOP&S counselor to discuss career and educational goals, update or create an individualized student educational plan (ISEP). All eligible participants receive priority “0” registration for the following term. Near the end of the semester, each student must complete a 3rd contact exit form to explain their intended goals for the following term. The goal of the participant is that for each continuous contact every semester, until their eligibility ends, the student will progress from one semester to the next, being able to reach their educational goal.
In 2018, Cooperating Agencies Foster Youth Educational Support (CAFYES) Program was granted in all Los Rios Colleges and is the newest supplemental component of the EOP&S. Now referred to as NextUp, it is designed to promote the success of current and former foster youth enrolled at American River College.
Starting Spring 2020 term, as the Los Rios District transitioned to remote services due to Covid-19,100% of all services transitioned to phone and zoom services.
For instance, all participant files were paper copies. Now, we have transitioned to electronic files, applications, and database case-management notes.
As EOP&S/CARE/NextUp program staff continue to offer services remotely, the mission remains the same. For example, in the Fall 2018 semester, 1,024 students were served. 810 students completed three contacts, whereas 214 did not (74% completed three contacts). In the Fall of 2021 semester, 942 students were served; 720 students completed three contacts, totaling 77% of students completing three contacts.
The following data sets may be useful in promoting and informing departmental dialogue, planning, decision making, and resource allocation.
SSO Data Set
The continuous review of student service effectiveness through Student Services Outcomes (SSOs) assessment is documented using the Student Services Outcomes Assessment Report (SSOAR). The SSOAR is completed by each student service unit. The aggregated results are then reviewed annually as part of Annual Unit Planning (beginning in 2019-2020)*, in which the results serve as the basis for actions and, if applicable, resource allocation, and are aligned with college goals and objectives.
Please click on the link to your data set and complete the last column answering the question: “Based on the analysis of the data, what actions, if any, are proposed to respond to the SSO data?”
*The Student Services Outcomes Assessment for 2019 was completed in Fall 2021 due to the pandemic.
In addition to reflecting on the metrics shown above, it may prove useful to analyze other program-level data to assess the effectiveness of your unit. For instructional units, ARC's Data on Demand system can be used to provide program and course level information regarding equitable outcomes, such as program access or enrollment, successful course completion, and degree or certificate achievement (up to 30+ demographic or course filters are available).
You might also consider pursuing other lines of inquiry appropriate to your unit type (instructional, student support, institutional/administrative support). Refer to the Program Review Inquiry Guide under the resources tab for specific lines of inquiry.
What were the findings? Please identify program strengths, opportunities, challenges, equity gaps, influencing
factors (e.g., program environment), data limitations, areas for further research, and/or other items of interest.
Eligible students accepted in EOP&S must complete a mandatory orientation facilitated by EOP&S counselors. In summary, these orientations discuss college campus resources and support programs, educational degree options as well as a virtual campus tour. Participants complete a Mutual Responsibility Contract (MRC) outlining their obligation to complete three mandatory EOP&S contacts and maintain progress towards an educational goal. The MRC outlines minimum units required for EOP&S eligibility. Each student receives an outline of important dates outlining MRC requirements. The department continues to focus on retention, especially more than ever, with participants.
EOP&S strives for inclusion and equity to enhance and encourage participant’s completion of their educational goals, while fostering the student’s personal growth and development. The ARC EOP&S/CARE/NextUp Program is allocated to serve a total of 1,268 participants. Students in the EOPS program work closely with a counselor during their three mandated counseling contacts to investigate and evaluate their educational, create/update their Individualized Student Educational Plan (ISEP) academic, and transfer/career goals. Participants obtain the following educational goals: certificates, associates, transfer associates, and/or transfer. Moreover, EOP&S participants who are undecided about their educational goals receive career and major exploration services from the Career and Pathways Department in career exploration activities.
Reflection and Dialog
Discuss how the findings relate to the unit's effectiveness. What did your unit learn from the analysis and how
might the relevant findings inform future action?
EOP&S/CARE/NextUp continues to transition from the on-ground approach to the remote approach. For example, each EOP&S/CARE/NextUp participant had a paper record/file to document a paper application, transcripts, educational plan (ISEP), and a Mutual Responsibility Contract. Now, all new applicants complete an application through an online website as well as all files are stored electronically. Moreover, another strength the program has been able to facilitate with the collaboration of Financial Aid and Business Services Office, is the distribution to all eligible participants a Book Grant for purchases of textbooks and school supplies.
The present challenges continue to be limited resources both on campus and in the greater Sacramento County for housing and food insecurity. EOP&S/CARE/NextUp continues to seek best practice approach to increase participation enrollment. The remote, online approach does not work for all participants. Furthermore, a shortage of staffing has also impacted our ability to provide all participants a requested one-hour counseling appointment, or participants lacking technological skills to navigate online platforms such as Canvas or internet services.
Now that the campus is transitioning slowly to provide on-ground services, counseling coverage has been arranged so that participants can choose what works for them. We continue to provide a remote services.
What is the unit's ideal future and why is it desirable to ARC? How will the unit's aspirations support accomplishment of the mission, improve institutional effectiveness, and/or increase academic quality?
The goal of EOP&S/CARE/NextUp is to identify current and new ARC students that are socially, economically, and educationally disadvantaged, whom would consider themselves the least likely to attend college and assist them with the process of matriculation with support services to increase their opportunity for success in higher education.
• The support services of EOP&S/CARE/NextUp consist of the following: 1) academic counseling in creating a long-term educational plan, 2) priority registration, 3) assistance with textbook grant, 4) tutoring
S) Textbook lending library, 6) cap and gown purchase, 7) UC & CU admission fee waiver, 8) year- end celebration for graduates and high honors, 9) additional services as the budget allows. The EOP&S/CARE/NextUp program collaborates campus and community partners, especially with CalWORKs, DSPS, Financial Aid, as well Social Workers and High School educators, campus faculty and classified professionals across the campus. Additionally, EOP&S/CARE/NextUp hires students to work in the department, as well as tutors. These students are gaining valuable employment skills.
• From Spring 2020 (the start of the Covid-19 pandemic) to today, we have seen a reduction of 38% of new participants and an 18% overall reduction of overall participants.
The following areas would be a summary of future planning:
· Recruitment
· Partnerships with community partners and educators
· Develop effective strategies for housing insecurity concerns
· Improvement of case-management services
· Database tracking and data evaluation and services for improved retention and completion
· Building effective partnerships with higher education bachelors degree granting institutions
· Ongoing training and development of EOP&S classified staff, counselors, and student staff
· Hiring of permanent CARE SPA
Strategic Enhancement
Identify/define one or more program-level objectives which enhance the unit's effectiveness. What does your unit intend to do to work towards its ideal future? How will success be measured?
Continue to build Advisory Board partners. Ongoing involvement and partnerships with campus community and off campus partners to increase our student participant involvement. Moreover, we need to continue to focus on improved retention activities for all participants
How will the unit's intended enhancements support ARC's commitment to social justice and equity?
EOP&S/CARE/NextUp strives for inclusion and equity so that participants are encouraged while on their path to educational completion. The department is allocated to serve 1,268 participants. The mission of Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) is to encourage the enrollment, retention and transfer of students impacted by language, social, economic and educational disadvantages, and to facilitate the successful completion of their goals and objectives at American River College.