Registered Nursing
2023-2024 Program Review
1 ) In 3-5 sentences, describe your unit to an audience of potential students. Many units take this information from their website. If it has been awhile since your unit has updated its website, take this opportunity to design a brief description of your unit for today’s students.
The purpose and function of the nursing unit involves an introduction to the essential concepts of safe and effective nursing care for patients across the lifespan, utilizing the nursing process and evidence-based practice. Concepts include communication, leadership, patient-centered care, professionalism, safety, teamwork and collaboration, evidence-based practice, informatics and technology, and quality improvement. The clinical experience is designed to facilitate the fundamental acquisition of core competencies related to nursing clinical practice. The nursing program consists of a combination of general education and nursing courses with related experience in local health agencies. Successful completion of the program qualifies the student to take the National Licensing Examination to become registered as a nurse and eligible for employment.
2 ) Who is disproportionately impacted in your unit?
Our disproportionately impacted populations include our African American, Hispanic/Latino, and Native American students. These groups are identified as those whose access to resources and support may be limited, therefore strategies must be identified and deployed in order to reach greater success and achievement in these groups. In addition, it has been a long-time concern of the profession of nursing that the population of male nurses within the profession is 13%. According to data released by the American Nurses Association, men are underrepresented in the profession. Based on instructor feedback, two sub-set categories, single parents and those without health coverage should also be considered.
Use the Disproportionate Impact* reports below to answer question #2. These reports show how student achievement outcomes vary by gender, race/ethnicity, veteran, foster youth, disability, and income/poverty level status to enable users to engage in more advanced student-centered and equity-centered analysis, reflection, and planning. These reports are integrated with ARC's Data on Demand system to provide users with more sophisticated and nuanced ways of exploring their unit's data. To access the reports, you may be prompted to log in to ARC's Data on Demand system. If so, click on "Log in with ARC Portal" and enter your Los Rios single sign-on credentials (same as Canvas or Intranet).
*This link provides the California Community College Chancellor's Office's definition of disproportionate impact.
Disproportionate Impact
The disproportionate impact (DI) links now direct you to your unit’s DI data in ARC Data on Demand. The DI data will show which student groups are experiencing disproportionate impact for course success rates (A, B, C, Cr, P), A-B rates, and course completion rates (students who did not withdraw) at the course level.
In addition, a new report on intersectional DI (e.g., ethnicity/race by gender) is available for assessing intersectional Di for course success rates. The intersection DI report defaults to the subject code level (e.g., all ENGWR courses). Use the org tree in the side bar to filter to individual courses (click on the right arrow next to American River College, right arrow next to your division, right arrow next to your department/discipline, then select the specific course to view).
If prompted to log in, click on “Log in with ARC Portal” and enter your Los Rios single-sign on credentials (same as Canvas or Intranet).
3 ) What equity advancing actions have your programs already taken?
The unit continues to attain educators of distinct cultures, races/ethnicities, specifically POC to offer greater diversity to better relate to student populations. The unit has accomplished cohort reduction in the first semester of the nursing program. This has allowed for greater hands-on and individualized learning in our hospital setting for new students to better support their educational needs. Homebase is offered to all students as a centralized resource for the student and the person. The Homebase Coach is invited into the classroom to ensure the students are aware of the availability of resources. Prioritization of mental health is being emphasized and additional resources for student support are provided via Canvas. Students are made aware of support courses available through the college such as reading across disciplines or writing across the curriculum. We refer students to DSPS and prioritize suggested accommodations. The DSPS Coordinator has been invited to collaborate with the nursing faculty. Financial aid information is made available to all students including inviting a representative of the department to speak to the students at the beginning of the program. Scholarship information and application processes are shared with the students each spring semester. Student resources are thoroughly discussed as well as the availability of tutorials in relation to learning how to utilize tools necessary. Books/resource distributors are invited into the classroom to demonstrate the utilization of tools available for the course. This semester all N400 students' skills kits and stethoscopes were paid for through grant monies, which greatly benefited our DI students.
4 ) What will be your unit’s strategies for eliminating disproportionate impact (DI)?
Our unit is working towards its ideal future by placing emphasis on and supporting the mission of American River College to provide high-quality education for a diversity of students to develop integrity and intellectual curiosity while also preparing students for the challenge of social, economic, and technological change as they progress into the role of the professional nurse. Success will be measured through continued evaluations, growth in the areas of support services and the student utilization of services, attrition rates, and the NCLEX pass rate which is currently at 100%. Ongoing peer review in accordance with American River College will continue. Additional equity strategies that are projected are to continue to lower cohort sizes in the clinical setting throughout the program from 10 per clinical group to 8 students per group, to allow more shoulder-to-shoulder hands-on teaching.
The unit's intended enhancements support ARCs commitment to social justice and equity by transforming the future of all students and our community through inclusive and equitable education. The American River College Nursing Program strives to uphold the dignity and humanity of every student through a commitment to equitable and social justice through thoughtful education, transformative leadership, and community engagement. Attention will continue to focus on increasing the national average of men in nursing, by offering student support services such as HomBase to this population in order to encourage and support growth in the field of nursing education. BIPOC populations will also have access to HomeBase resources made available within the HEED complex, food closets, mental health services, financial aid, DSPS, and additional coursework that will support learning.
5 ) What support do you need to eliminate disproportionate impact (DI)?
The American River College Nursing Program requires highly educated and diverse educators to meet students' needs. The program requires small cohort clinical classes in order to provide individualized education based on the particular student's needs. Additional resources such as removing additional costs, from the expected $7,000 approximation, highly benefit this group of individuals. Acquiring additional faculty with specialty areas in nursing simulation and virtual reality and a support instructor to offer tutoring in relation to theory content and skills would be highly beneficial. Continuing education for current program staff in relation to DI, culture, equity, and bias would be beneficial.
6 ) What other issues or concerns have affected your unit and are important for you to bring up?
In order to meet the needs of our unit's DI population many obstacles must be overcome. There continues to be a prevalence of non-minority educators in nursing education. To more effectively reach this population it must be prioritized to hire ethnically diverse instructors in order to create connection and an environment more conducive to these students. Hiring additional instructors continues to be problematic as there is a salary inequity in relation to the clinical sector and what nursing educators are paid in the college environment. This makes hiring a challenge as it is more advantageous for advanced practice nurses to promote their careers in hospital settings. Addressing the salary gap would alleviate this issue. In addition, the pay inequity between theory and lab pay continues to be an ongoing area of distress as the majority of work in nursing by professors is classified as lab instruction. Nursing does not fit in the category of “lab” as it is not a controlled environment and carries great risk for the educator, student, and the population. The lab pay inequity creates an obstacle in relation to our nursing professor retention. ARC nursing faculty positions are perceived less competitive than other colleges in relation to hiring, due to poor salaries. Workload continues to be an ongoing issue as nursing faculty must navigate college logistics as stated in our contracts and all requirements associated with healthcare partners, which is not stated in our contract. This adds several hours of additional time beyond our contracted workweek, which is continuous throughout the semester. These ongoing issues create an environment of insecurity and frustration, amongst our faculty.
The Enrollment, Department Set Standards, and SLO Data Set may be additional considerations and helpful for answering this optional question, but not required. To access the reports, you may be prompted to log in to ARC's Data on Demand system. If so, click on "Log in with ARC Portal" and enter your Los Rios single sign-on credentials (same as Canvas or Intranet).
The enrollment links now direct you to your unit’s enrollment data in ARC Data on Demand (5 years of duplicated enrollment for Fall or Spring terms). Using the filters available along the left side navigation in ARC Data on Demand, enrollment data can now be disaggregated or filtered on a number of course or student characteristics to provide more fine-tuned exploration and analysis of enrollment data. Examples include disaggregating by course, ethnicity/race, gender, and age.
If prompted to log in, click on “Log in with ARC Portal” and enter your Los Rios single-sign on credentials (same as Canvas or Intranet).
Department Set Standards
Shows course success rates (# of A, B, C, Cr, and P grades expressed as a % of total grade notations) compared to lower and upper thresholds. Thresholds are derived using a 95% confidence interval (click the report link for details). The lower threshold is referred to as the Department Set Standard. The upper threshold is referred to as the Stretch Goal.
- Green
- Most recent academic year exceeds the upper threshold
- Yellow
- Most recent academic year falls between the lower and upper threshold
- Red
- Most recent academic year falls below the lower threshold
The faculty's continuous review of student achievement of course SLOs is documented using the Authentic Assessment Review Record (AARR), which involves a review of student work demonstrating achievement of the course SLO. Faculty record student achievement for a randomly assigned course SLO based on one or more authentic assessments that they regularly perform in their classes. The aggregated results are then reviewed annually as part of Annual Unit Planning, in which the results may serve as the basis for actions and, if applicable, resource allocation, and are aligned with college goals and objectives.
The AARR summary link provides an aggregate of the results of the most recent AARR implementation. The AARR results by SLO link provides a more detailed view, including the specific ratings assigned by faculty to each randomly assigned course SLO, and what, if any, actions were taken.
Note: Established thresholds (i.e., green/yellow/red indicators) have yet to be developed for SLO data.
In your program review process, you may want to refer to the goals and actions in your Annual Unit Plans since your last Program Review. Follow this this link to access your previous AUP submissions. For Faculty support, please contact Veronica Lopez at